Forbidden Forest by Tenaya Jayne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Well, I really am intrigued by this world, though I do think the overall storytelling and plotting could be stronger. I'm going to continue onward and remain hopeful that this is one of those series that improves with each new book, because there are some things I like here.
I do kind of feel like this has the whole kitchen sink thrown in, which is both fun but also sometimes just overwhelming based on how many different characters, backgrounds, and rules for the world we are supposed to keep track of. I do appreciate the effort to just throw a bit of everything that fantasy and paranormal readers enjoy into one book, but sometimes it was just a bit too much, which made the world building feel weaker, instead of stronger.
Forest Fire by Tenaya Jayne
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I wanted to love this, but it felt messy in a bad way. I'm going to give book 3 a try, but if I don't love it, I think I am done with this series. The world and concept are interesting to me, but this just isn't as well-written and well-plotted as I need to stay intrigued. Also, I wanted the character development to grow each book, as well as the world building, and I don't think there was nearly enough of either to suit me.
Verdant (The Legends Of Regia, #3 by Tenaya Jayne
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
This is sad and whimsical. I really wanted a stronger story, but I think it was hard to pull off the depth that I wanted from this in so few pages. That left it falling just a bit flat, when it should have been really emotional.
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